5 ways to get rid of Art Block

What is an Art Block?

This is generally when you go a period of time and where you struggle to do anything creative or feel like you’ve run out of things to draw.

If you wanna create something and have passion then you will do it. I feel that telling yourself you have an ‘art block’ is just an excuse so we don’t feel guilty ‘not doing what we wanted’ There are definitely things that can help if you’re having trouble finding inspiration or the urge to create…so here are some ways that I feel would help you get that creative spark back.

  1. Take part in a drawing challenge! Those like ‘Draw this in your style’ or ‘Mermay’ where there’s a prompt list are great to do. They can take the pressure off starting a drawing from scratch, from a blank canvas. With DTIYS, the drawing is already created from another artist so all you are doing is copying it into your own style. It’s easy as the image is already done and there’s not as much you need to think about :)

  2. Try something new! Try out a different art medium, try new brushes on Procreate, get new art supplies or try drawing a different subject matter to your usual. It’s always exciting doing something new and can easily spark the creative energy again!

  3. Change lifestyle habits! How much sleep are you getting? What foods are you eating? are you drinking enough water? etc… All of these factors effect our mood and energy so if you can improve some habits in your life you will start to see an overall improvement in yourself which will change your approach to drawing! Check out my blog post on self love for artists, some tips in there might help :)

  4. Do something different, take a break! Taking yourself away from drawing completely and try a different hobby or activity. Try not to think about drawing at all and the time away will re-fresh your mind. Being away from it can make you want to do it even more and then inspiration can kick in again!

  5. Doodle or draw something small at least once a day! It is important to keep your hand moving every day to keep the momentum going. You will always get better with more practice which will lead to more confidence when it comes to drawing new pieces! The longer it gets without drawing can make it harder to start again. as your confidence will have dropped or you might struggle to find inspiration. If you are passionate about something tho then you will find time for it or feel excited to start!

BONUS tip: Not every art piece needs to be perfect, sometimes I think the fear of perfection can also stop us from creating. I hope you can go forward now with motivation that you can do this!💪 If you still struggle on creating then maybe you need to change up what you are doing as you could be forcing something that’s not for you!


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